Recap: ATC 2 in Hasselt – SPP and Circular Economy

On December 12 – 15 December, Hasselt University hosted the second SAPIENS Network Advanced Training Course (ATC). ATCs are a crucial part of the SAPIENS Network. They contribute to building a new generation of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) research specialists through international, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral experience training.

The theme of the second ATC focused on SPP and Circular Economy (CE) for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). The goals were to provide an overview of the concept of CE, circular business models and investigate the use of public purchasing as leverage in promoting CE principles.

The three-day training consisted of 4 parts (Introduction to CE, SDGs, and SPP; CE and the Public Procurement (PP) cycle; soft skills for ESRs and a spotlight on policy ), 5 sessions, including several workshops followed by a policy dialog in Brussels. In addition to the SAPIENS lead researchers and 15 ESRs working on sustainability and procurement, the hybrid event attracted more than 20 external participants joining in-person and online. The external participants included researchers, procurement officials and practitioners, decision-makers, and public officials.

The first day of the training covered an Introduction to CE, SDGs, and SPP. The morning sessions started with an introduction to CE, SDGs, and SPP by Professor Matteo Fermeglia (UHasselt). The following presentation by SAPIENS lead researcher Professor Steven van Garsse (UHasselt) focused on legal aspects of circular business models such as Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) and Products As A Service (PAAS). The third presentation from another SAPIENS lead researcher Professor Bogdana Neamtu outlined how circular economy principles can be applied on a city level. The last morning session presentation was given by Dr. Michael Peeters (LAMMP), and detailed how Product Service Systems (PSS) can be used to achieve a more circular economy

The afternoon sessions included presentations on circular business models by SAPIENS lead researchers Professor Sebastien Lizin and Professor Małgorzata Koszewska. The afternoon sessions were followed by a workshop given by Professor Tom Kuppens (UHasselt) and Ph.D. student Lise Janssens (UHasselt). The workshop involved a serious business game (Risk and Race) developed by partner organization (VITO). The game offers an exciting and hands-on experience with the opportunities and challenges of the circular economy. It is a tabletop board game designed to induce an entrepreneurial mindset and introduce players to entrepreneurial decision-making and circular economy business models.

Day 2 centered on CE and the PP Cycle. Presentations started in the morning with Jonas Voorter (UHasselt) on the integration of CE principles with PP cycles. The next speaker, Melody Van Acker (Vlaanderen Circulair), focused on the Flemish Green Deal’s Circular Procurement and circular indicators/goals/strategies for circular purchasers. The following presentation from Almut Führ (Facilitair bedrijf) showcased how public buyers can impact tender documents and presented the procurement case of Belpaire building (WTC towers Brussels) and how SPP criteria were included in the tender. Our next speaker, Stefano Dotta from partner organisation (EnviPark), focused on Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria in the tender process. Anne Goidts (Kamp C) presented a case study (Circular Office Building ‘t Centrum); Anne showcased how Kamp C could construct a completely circular building, the procedure throughout the entire life cycle of the project from the procurement method, contract, and design was presented. The second day ended with a workshop by Marijn Straetemans (UHasselt). The workshop showcased how researchers can present their findings in a meaningful and engaging way using scientific posters.

Day 3 took place in Brussels; SAPIENS lead researchers and the 15 ESRs had the chance to dialog with Aurélie Brochard (European Parliament) and Mathieu Rama (RRUSE), moderated by SAPIENS lead researcher and coordinator Professor Roberto Caranta. The discussion focused on EU policies on CE, SPP, and SDGs.

Left side- Policy Dialog / Right side – Days 1 and 2

The last activity was a guided tour of Brussels, covering most historical interest points the city offers and ending the training. ATC 2 in Hasselt was a great successor to the first ATC. ATC 1 focused on research substance, skills development, and PP and SPP basics. ATC 2 builds upon the first training, further exploring innovative concepts, business models, and several case studies.

Day 3 – Tour of Brussels

 The videos from all the sessions will be posted soon on our website, and we will distribute them through our newsletter.

The next event is planned to take place 6-8 April 2022 in Rome, Italy (also online).

Written by Haitham Abu-Ghaida

Haitham Abu-Ghaida conducts his research at Hasselt University on the development of best-practices in life cycle costing (LCC) or equivalent sustainability assessment methods, such as techno-economic assessment (TEA) to achieve SDGs. He has a background in Civil/Architectural engineering and quantitative sustainability assessments. Originally from Jordan, he has studied at Jordan University of Science and Technology for his Bachelor’s Degree and Aarhus University for his Master’s Degree. His past research has focused on Integration of Life Cycle Assessment(LCA)/Life Cycle Costing(LCC) in Building Information modelling(BIM) and Guided discovery-based sustainability learning for engineering students.

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