
Roberto Caranta is a professor at the Law Department of the University of Turin (Italy). Currently, he is working on public procurement with focuses on SPP and on remedies, EU and administrative comparative law with a focus on judicial protection.

Recent works include:

  • Cost and EU Public Procurement Law. Life-Cycle Costing for Sustainability (London, Routledge, 2020) (editor with M. Andhov and A. Wiesbrock);
  • Tort Liability of Public Authorities in European Laws (Oxford, OUP, 2020) (editor with G. della Canenea);
  • Sustainability and Public Procurement, in A. La Chimia – P. Trepte (eds.), Public Procurement and Aid Effectiveness (Oxford, Hart, 2019) 173-193 (with C. Cravero);
  • Labels as enablers of sustainable public procurement, in B. Sjåfjell, A. Wiesbrock (eds) Sustainable Public Procurement Under EU Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, 99-113;
  • ‘The changes to the public contract directives and the story they tell about how EU law works’ 52 (2015) CMLRev, 391.


Roberto is Coordinator of this project, member of the steering committee, and supervisor of ESR 7: Enforcing sustainability and social requirements in contract performance.

Caranta is also a member of the EU Trade and Investment Policy – International Training Network, was a Professeur invité at the University of Marseille – Aix-en-Provence (2016), co-director at the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies – CTLS London for the Academic year 2012/13. He is co-editor of the European Procurement Law Series.