The first day of the SAPIENS Network Advanced Training Course started at the Danish Chamber of Commerce and was nothing short of enlightening. The day was dedicated to exploring the intricate dance between government, industry, and academia in the realm of sustainable...
How to Write a Policy Brief and Disseminate Your Research Better – ATC 6 Day 2
Day 2 of the SAPIENS Network ATC 6 was marked by opening up the course to the wider public for active participation. The "Research Outreach" panel discussion shed light on the dynamic interplay between academic research and real-world applications. Moderated by senior...
Working with Academia – Perspectives from Danish, European, & International Stakeholders – ATC 6 Day 3
Panel 2 brought together representatives from prominent Danish organizations to shed light on their collaborations with academic researchers. Kenneth Skov Jensen from the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority, Mette Svendgaard Høgholm from the Municipality of...
Sustainability & Public Procurement PhDs Progress Meeting and Teambuilding – ATC6 Day 4
Project Meeting The SAPIENS Network entered its fourth and final day with an air of camaraderie and purpose. The day started with an update on the project's milestones and progress and the morning unfolded with the bi-annual Project Meeting. The SAPIENS Network ESRs...
4th International Conference on Public Procurement Law in Africa – Sustainable Development Goals & Opportunities Towards 2030
Our early-stage researchers Aura, Chiara, Laura and Xinyue, had the opportunity to give presentations at the Fourth International Conference on Public Procurement Law Africa 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa.
A Leap Towards Sustainable Procurement: The 6th European Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement
As the world grapples with climate change and environmental degradation, sustainable procurement has emerged as a solution that holds great potential. This was made abundantly clear during the 6th European Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement...