
Key take aways for public procurement on the implementation of due diligence in the garment and footwear sector

Public buyers often buy from retailers, and retailers play a role in simplifying access to remedy. If a retailer has 800 brands, such was the case of one of the participant retailers, there is no way that a trade union will know how each of those 800 mechanisms work....

OECD’s Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector: Highlights from the side session on public procurement as the missing multiplier in ensuring decent work

 Country members of the OECD spend approximately 12% of the overall GDP on public procurement. Its purchasing power and influence on the markets is often not fully deployed or underestimated. The acquisition of garments is crucial for public entities to provide...

Sustainable public procurement: A glimpse on evidence produced so far

The project leaders, lead researchers and the ESRs met at the University of Greenwich from 29 February and 1 March 2024, where the fifth project meeting of the Sapiens Network was hosted.  This blog post includes a glimpse on evidences and findings produced so far by...
How does the US federal government contract with small businesses? – An introduction to set-aside procurement

How does the US federal government contract with small businesses? – An introduction to set-aside procurement

In May 2023, our Early-Stage Researchers Natalia Spataru, Valentina Bianchini and Xinyue Xue were seconded to our partner organisation George Washington University Law School in Washington DC, USA. In this blog post, Xinyue shares her experience researching relevant rules and practices for promoting small businesses in US federal procurement. Her PhD project at the University of Birmingham focuses on facilitating Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in public procurement.