Contracting Authorities and Strategic Goals of Public Procurement – A Relationship Defined by Discretion?

Apr 23, 2021 | News, Publications, Research

At the end of 2019, SAPIENS Network lead researcher associate professor  Marta Andhov published a book chapter titled  “Contracting Authorities and Strategic Goals of Public Procurement – A Relationship Defined by Discretion?” in S. Bogojevic, X. Groussot, J. Hettne (eds.): Discretion in EU Procurement Law (Hart Publishing 2019).

Chapter Abstract

This chapter introduces the concept of strategic public procurement, analyses EU competence in regulating strategic public procurement, investigates the scope of the discretion entrusted to the contracting authorities in the area of strategic public procurement. Section V discusses the limits of this discretion, focusing especially on Article 18(2) of Directive 2024/14/EU, which obliges Member States to ensure compliance with environmental, social and labour laws in the implementation of public contracts. Section VI concludes the chapter.

The full chapter is now available on the Social Science Research Network website (SSRN).

Marta Andhov –  Communication, dissemination and exploitation leader of the SAPIENS project

Associate Professor in public procurement law, PhD Coordinator at the Faculty of Law, the University of Copenhagen.  Co-host of Bestek Public Procurement Podcast

Written by Marta Andhov

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