Our lead researcher, Associate Professor, Marta Andhov (from the University of Copenhagen) and Professor Christopher R. Yukins from our partner organization George Washington University Law School published an article in Government Contractor that discusses green public procurement strategies in the European Union and the United States. The article is made available open-access on the Social Science Research Network.
Sustainability Clauses in Public Contracts
Sustainability Clauses in 'Public' Contracts Sustainability Clauses under the Public Sector Directive: Sustainable Performance Contract Clauses Our ESR Ezgi has recently published an open-access article titled “Sustainability Clauses in ‘Public’ Contracts” in the latest issue of the European...
How to monitor public contract modifications for increasing transparency? A comparative study of 6 European countries
Public procurement, a vital component of governmental spending, has long been associated with corruption risks. The intricate contractual arrangements, substantial financial stakes, and discretionary powers granted to public officials make it a breeding ground for malpractices. However, a crucial...
The European Green Deal and Public Procurement Law: Its Extraterritorial Reach beyond the EU’s Borders
The European Green Deal and Public Procurement Law Its extraterritorial reach beyond the EU’s borders Our Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Ezgi Uysal (University of Turin), along with Prof. Willem A. Janssen (Utrecht University, Groningen University), authored the chapter titled "The European Green...
New publication on Sustainable Food Procurement
The SAPIENS Network is excited to announce its contribution to the book Sustainable Food Procurement. Legal, Social, and Organisational Challenges, co-edited by experts Mark Stein, Maurizio Mariani, Roberto Caranta and Yiannis Polychronakis and published on February 23, 2024, by Routledge. This...
The eForms Regulation and Sustainable Public Procurement Data Collection
New Publication! Our Early Stage Researcher Nadia Sava (Early Stage Researcher 4, Babeș-Bolyai University, supervised by Professor Dacian Dragoș, Babeș-Bolyai University) published a paper entitled The eForms Regulation and Sustainable Public Procurement Data Collection. This paper was featured in...