
ESR Open Access

Understanding the Realities of nZEB Adoption in Romania: A Closer Look at Developers and Procurers

The European Union (EU) has established ambitious climate neutrality goals for 2050, reinforced by directives such as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). These frameworks mandate the widespread adoption of...

Unlocking Emissions Reduction: How Public Procurement Can Drive Sustainable Change

Insights from the Policy BriefIn this policy brief, ESR12 Federica Muscaritoli continues her research on the interplay between EU public procurement and climate change mitigation law. In the EU, Green Public Procurement (GPP) has traditionally involved the voluntary...

New Publication: Analysing the Drivers for Sustainable Public Procurement

1. Drivers for sustainable public procurement Early Stage Researcher Felippe Santos, SAPIENS Lead Researcher Rodrigo Lozano, and Lead Researcher Maria Barreiro-Gen recently published their open-access article entitled “Analysing the drivers for sustainable public...

Commentary to the EU Case C-295/20 Sanresa

Our Early Stage Researcher Ezgi Uysal (ESR 7, University of Turin) published an open access annotation on Case C-295/20 Sanresa of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The commentary was featured in Vol. 17 Issue 2 of the European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review...

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The legal regime of smart contracts in public procurement

Our Early Stage Researcher Nadia Sava (ESR4, Babes-Bolyai University) and our Lead Researcher Dacian Dragos (Jean Monnet Professor of Administrative and European Law at the Babes-Bolyai University) published together a paper entitled The legal regime of smart contracts in public...

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